Sunday, January 12, 2014

Will Pain

(This is a rough draft monologue for a character potential short story written when I should have probably been listening in church. These do not necessarily reflect my own views.)

When one gets older he either grow numb or increases the capacity to feel. I belong to the latter of the two groups. With the capacity comes mountaintop highs that are so filled with joy and happiness; however, I cannot arrive atop without first going through the valley. The sense of wonder, exhaustion, sheer awe upon arrival the shallowness of language cannot grasp.  The majestic view looking out over the hills that seemed to never end, forests filled with darkness for thieves to hide, rocks with sharp edges, and vast crevasses you spent the days, weeks, sometimes years, passing through are all a part of the beautiful scenery that brings that amazing sense of joy. One would never say that the suffering it took to get there is something they'd ever want to do again or wish on another, but simultaneously this onlooker would not ever trade the mountaintop view for anything.

Because of the mountaintop I say will pain! Will suffering! In order to experience such a joy one must know pain. When pain comes allow it, say to yourself, "I cannot hope to reach the mountain without going through these forests and hills! Even if I do not make it to the mountain I will not have waited in the village to become numb!" Because those who do not will pain do indeed become numb to it. They endure, they wait, they hurt without ever knowing it. Eventually becoming indifferent to their own plight and the plight of others.

I cannot express any action greater than that of love. If I am insensitive to the plight of others then I cannot love them; to love is to be empathetic, to listen, to share with them in their suffering. When one increases his capacity to feel pain, to arrive on the mountain top, he can in fact go back and love with a more exuberant capacity than any man who wills the numbing.

To will the mountaintop and pain is not to negate the hurt that comes in the process; rather, it may enhance it. Neither is willed pain a sadistic self fulfillment. Pain is something that all will experience at some point or another.  Why else would the pursuit of money be so popular? A piece of paper or metal that has no value other than that which we say it has. Money can buy things to alleviate pain. To avoid it. All just attempts to avoid pain that is seemingly the only way atop to take in the glorious view that so few have ever seen!

Willed suffering is also not to diminish any of the beautiful aspects of the journey. What could be more beautiful than a rose nestled between two rocks as if they were saying, “She is ours. We, though only portions of this mountain, protect that which is most beautiful and far too fragile to exists here on it’s own.” Nature protecting nature. Or a doe with it’s young in that fearsome forest filled with highwaymen and marauders? Would one have ever been able to see the offspring and it’s loving mother? No. I dare say none of these things would have been witnessed were it not for the journey that is pain.

However, this is not all pain. Pain can just as easily lead through a desert where the sun will scorch your head in the day followed by a plunging of temperature so drastic you may forget the sun altogether. Pain, she is fickle and mysterious of that there is no doubt.

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